GMO and the Autoimmune Connection

Within my household there is a constant struggle with my teenage daughter over food choices. Anytime I introduce a new recipe or food that is dye-free, preservative free, GMO-free, organic, grain-free it leads to her sitting in a puddle of her own tears. The most recent introduction was apple-carrot Tigernut flour muffins, super delicious and I will share the recipe later! 

We have exhausting discussions about the food choices I make for the family. In my daughter’s words “Mom, you must really hate us!! Why can’t I just have a Ritz cracker or Cheetos ? I mean I don’t want all junk food but just regular brands that my friends recognize? What’s wrong with that???" What’s wrong with that is what led to this blog post and a glazed over look from my daughter when trying to explain “why”. 

Rates of autoimmune diseases and immune dysfunction have increased tremendously since the 1990s leading many to suffer chronic illness. Celiac disease, Fibromyalgia, MS, Alzheimer’s and food sensitivities are on the rise. But why? We could argue many culprits. 

I don’t ascribe to a silver bullet theory where there is one factor contributing to poor health. Many assured that the one thing that tipped them is ultimately the culprit. 

I have a theory that the increased immune dysfunction leading to autoimmune diseases is the result of a stacking effect of exposures. We are all born with an immune threshold. This threshold determines how robust our immune system functions. Genetics, nutrition and maternal/fetal exposures all contribute. This combined with insults along the way albeit heightened exposure to environmental toxins, the debatable introduction of GMO foods, increased stressors, poor lifestyle choices and undiagnosed infections are all to blame. 

Science has shown inflammation in the body can have long-lasting, adverse effects upon all organ systems. Cell membrane barriers like those that protect our brain and gastrointestinal tract can become permeable with the help of activated inflammatory mediators. The problem doesn’t occur with singular, acute occurrences rather but extended exposure to continuous immune system activation. 

Back to why such a jump in cases since the 1990s? Every thing mentioned as a contributing factor has existed in varying degrees since the beginning of mankind. The only “new” contribution is the introduction of GMO foods in the mid-1990’s. As a scientist, I get it….I understand why one would want to make our crops more resistant to insects, plague and weeds. I understand the need for crop stability especially among those vulnerable populations who are food insecure and rely upon its profits for survival. 

What I can not ignore is the correlation of glyphosate GMO crop introduction and the increased trend of autoimmune diseases such as Celiac. Another consideration is the laisse-faire approach taken by the FDA, who provide voluntary consultations, where a food product’s composition is submitted for review by a case worker. The review’s objective is to analyze nutritional content and any new allergens or toxins produced from the genetic alterations . Also , other entities responsible for the welfare of our nation and ensuring a clean food chain, USDA and EPA, have wavered with regulatory oversight. But I digress..Still feeling warm and fuzzy?

I can not say with certainty GMO foods are a major health risk, nor can I say they are safe. Many contributing factors of poor health cloud the direct GMO and autoimmune connection. I tend to avoid them all together when possible until more independent, peer-reviewed testing and research is conducted. I’d also like to see rigorous standard regulations. 

Laundering the politically charged, federal oversight debacle and focusing upon glyphosates and how they react in the body, research highlights the probable epigenetic consequence to health. Genetic engineering has been described as a viral infection rather than a natural breeding process. Peer-reviewed research shows genetically engineered (GE) vegetation resistant to glyphosate, the herbicide GE plants were altered to tolerate, are cumulatively toxic to human and animal tissue. 

Data indicates disease links to chronic consumption of GMO products and/or glyphosate. Massachusetts Institute of technology scientists concluded glyphosate is the most toxic chemical in our food chain, documenting biochemical disruption resulting from genetic engineering. In fact, more than 90% of women tested had the GMO Bt toxin in their blood. Many of these women passing the toxin to their unborn child. Glyphosate is also responsible for disrupting the natural biome in our soil, depleting beneficial microorganisms. 

In the human body, it is shown to disrupt vital organisms of the GI tract responsible for mineral absorption and providing defense against opportunist infections. Disruption of the GI tract’s microbiome can trigger a cascade event within the body where cardinal enzymes are depleted leading to undigested proteins, triggering an inflammatory response chronic in nature. Over time, this response can lead to the development of food allergies. Also, intestinal wall mucosal folds are damaged leading to poor absorption of amino acids (tryptophan, tyrosine and others) responsible for healthy neurotransmission. Maybe GMO is contributing to the mental health crisis? I’ll explore that in future posts.

An environment of poor nutrient absorption and chronic inflammation would explain the increased GI related illnesses and those linked to autoimmune responses from GI inflammation such as Autism, Alzheimer’s and rheumatoid conditions. Given the increasing trend of autoimmune diseases, food sensitivities and an awareness of glyphosate’s effects upon the body I would think the only solution would be focusing our efforts upon avoiding GMO and consuming as many organic, whole foods as possible. Our health and the future health of our young ones depend upon it.    

Photo Credit: mine- “If I can’t eat them then I would like to be one” - my daughter dressed as a Cheeto, (costume courtesy of her mom’s creativity)

Reference articles/studies:

Landrigan PJ, Benbrook C. GMOs, herbicies, and public

health. N Engl J Med. 2015. 373; 693-397.

Rubio-Tapia A. Et al. Increased prevalence and mortality in

undiagnosed celiac disease. Gastroenterology. 2009. 137 (1): 88-93.

Senapati T Et al. Observations on the effect of

glyphosate-based herbicide on ultra-structure (SEM) and enzymatic activity in

different regions of the alimentary canal and gill of Channa Punctatus. Journal

of Crop and Weed. 2009. 5(); 26-245

Swanson NL, Leu A, Abrahamson J. Wallet B. 2014. Genetically

engineered crops, glyphosate 499 and the deterioration of health in the United

States of America. J Org Syst. 2014. 9:6-37.

Samsel, A. Seneff S. 2012. Glyphosate’s suppression of

cytochrome P450 enzymes and amino acid biosynthesis by the gut microbiome:

pathway to modern diseases. Entropy 15:1-x manuscripts; doi: 10.3390/el40x000x.

Carman et al, 2013. A long-term toxicology study on pigs fed

a combined genetically modified (GM) soy and GM corn maize diet. J. Org. Syst.


Antoniou, M., Robinson C, Fagan, J. 2014. GMO Myths and

Truths Report: An evidence-based examination of the claims made for the safety

and efficacy of genetically modified crops. 2nd Ed. Earth Open

source 330 pp. 

Perro M. and Adams V. 2017. What’s making our

children sick? Exploring the links between GM foods, glyphosate and gut health.

Chelsea Green Pres.


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